Breeding of elite local sunflower hybrids with high genetic yield potential and wide adaptability
Ihsan Ullah, M. Ayub Khan, Nazakat Nawaz, Hussain Shah, Ashiq Saleem, M.A. Khan, Haris Khurshid, Fazal Yazdan, M. Asim and Khalid Khan
This research, which consisted of inbred lines development, making of cross combinations and preliminary agronomic evaluation of the hybrids, was carried out at National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) over a period of eight years (2013-2020). Heterogeneous sunflower material available with Oilseeds Program (NARC) was used as base material for inbred lines development. The base material used were Shams-37 and NDMTC (OPVs) and RHA-439 and Hyolic-41R (heterogeneous multi-headed restorer lines). Initially, 100 single plants were selected in each of the above mentioned material based on their agro-morphological traits like desirable phenotype, yield superiority and disease resistance in the selection of B lines (maintainer lines) from OPVs while in case of restorer lines selection and development, phenotypes like desirable plant type, pyramid like branching pattern with flowering starting from the top going down to the bottom ensuring long time availability of pollen and disease resistance etc. were the basis of selection. The selfing process continued for six to seven generations after that the selection process was narrowed down retaining only the best single plant progenies with no segregation and highest level of stability. The best lines selected from OPVs were then put into the CMS background by backcrossing them to CMS sources. This process continued for six to seven generations and ultimately only six A & B lines were selected for use in making cross combinations because of their best uniformity with highest level of stability and other desirable morphological characters. Similarly, six restorer lines (R) were also selected from the progenies of the single plants originally selected from heterogeneous R lines after twelve generations of selfing based on their desirable morphologies and uniformity. These six A and six R lines were crossed in all possible ways during Spring-2018 and 24 crosses produced enough seed which were tested in a non-replicated trial for their yield potential assessment during Autumn 2018 using Hysun-33 as a standard check. All the hybrids out-yielded the standard check except four combinations where the seed yield remained non-significantly lower than the check. Ten hybrid combinations recorded > 20% yield increase over the check. Similarly, in the agronomic evaluation during Spring-2019 replicated trials, all ten elite local sunflower hybrids out-yielded the check hybrid (NKS-278) where seven crosses recorded > 20% genetic gain in terms of seed yield over the standard check. Again in Spring-2020, all the 18 locally developed elite sunflower hybrids out-performed the standard check (Hysun-33) in yield. Overall, 11 hybrids exhibited > 30% yield gain over the check hybrid
To Cite this article:
Ullah, I., M.A. Khan, N. Nawaz, H. Shah, A. Saleem, M.A. Khan, H. Khurshid, F. Yazdan, M. Asim and K. Khan. 2024. Breeding of elite local sunflower hybrids with high genetic yield potential and wide adaptability. Pak. J. Bot., 56(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-1(5)