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The Fruit Growth and Quality Response of Peach Cultivar “Spring Crest” by applying Biostimulant (Calcium chloride and putrescine) at Three Different Growth Stages

Tajdar ilahi

Peach fruit is considered one of the most popular and common fruit in the world. Over the last decade despite the ample increase in peach growing area, there has been a very small progress in average fruit yield. Peaches and nectarines are climacteric fruits and considered as highly perishable commodities, with a fast ripening process and short shelf life. Calcium chloride and putrescine are widely used to improve characters of fruit while on plant and also improve storing quality of fruit. To study the effectiveness of Calcium chloride and putrescine on fruit growth, development and quality of peach Cv. Spring Crest, fruits were treated before harvest at three stages of fruit growth and development(i.e. Cell division, Pit hardening and Cell enlargement stage)with different concentrations of Putrescine (2mM and 3mM), calcium chloride (0.75% and 1%) and their combinations Putrescine+Calcium chloride (PUT 2mM+CaCl2 0.75%, PUT 2mM+CaCl2 1%, PUT 3mM+CaCl2 0.75%, PUT 3mM+CaCl2 1%). The fruits were harvested at the mature ripe stage and stored at ambient temperature for eleven days. Our results showed that fruit samples treated with Calcium chloride and putrecine significantly reduced the quality losses and increased shelf life as compared to control fruit during storage.. PUT2mM+CaCl21% maintained the quality having a minimum loss in weight and firmness, less ethylene production, least decline in acidity, ascorbic acid contents and delayed changes in skin color and also maintained total soluble solids and sugars.

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