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Salt stress is a major obstacle that limiting crop productivity worldwide with profound effects on plant species growth. Transcriptomics has provided a rough estimation for gene expression while proteomics more helpful for expression and identifications of stress response genes and protein than transcriptomics. In the present study total proteins of wheat’s (tritium aestivum.L) roots were extracted and separated by label-free quantification analysis. The study aimed to identify salt responsive protein and also to investigate proteins pathways that were distributed in different cellular, biological and molecular functions under salinity (150mM, NaCl). We detected 2536 reliable proteins; including 171 up-regulated and 25 proteins were significantly down-regulated with differential expression. Three Peroxidase, four Glutathione S-transferase proteins, four Dehydrin proteins, one Potassium channel beta subunit, and four ATPase proteins were found involved in energy production and conversion were up-regulated under salt treatment in wheat roots. Additionally, one 14-3-3-protein, four Superoxidase dismutase, three Thiovedoxin, two malate dehydrogenase proteins and six Heat shock proteins important in posttranslational modification were also up-regulated in roots under (150mM, NaCl) treatment. Majority of functionally (GO) dominant annotated protein pathways were up-regulated in cellular function like cell part (GO:0044464), cell (GO:0005623), intracellular part (GO:0044424), intracellular (GO:0005622) and molecular process such as cytoplasm (GO:0005737), intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231), intracellular organelle (GO:0043229) having high protein abundance as compared to down-regulated annotated protein pathways under salt stress. Similarly, KEGG pathway analysis also highlights a greater number of protein abundance including metabolic pathways followed by Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and ribosomes in up-regulated protein pathways while in the down-regulated majority of protein have affected. Our findings not only provide new changes in protein abundance within the cell organelles in response to abiotic stress but also highlight the plant's stress response mechanisms, which is necessary for future development of genetically engineered stress-tolerant crop plants.

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