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Effcts of different treatments on expression differences of aquaporins in postharvest jujube

Hong yi Liao;Zi qiang Zhang

Ziziphus jujuba is a specific plant species in China which plays a vital role in agroforestry and non-wood forestry, characterized by rich nutrition and wide medical use. However, a commonly-seen physiological disorder during preservation——dehiscence affect its fruits, resulting in a bad quality and economic losses. Our research was performed at “Zichong” planting base, Hunan Xinfeng fruit industry CO., Ltd, Qidong county, Hunan province. In the experiment, “Mid-autumn Crisp Jujube” and its fruits served as samples undergoing soaking treatment with H2O2, Ca(N03)2, NaCl and ABA solutions. Researchers confirmed expression levels of mRNA responsible for generation of aquaporin by FQ (fluorescence quantitively)- PCR technique, analyzing the correlation between expression and dehiscent proportion. The team summarized such findings: illumination restricts the expression of mRNA in that the relative genetic expression levels of mRNA with respect to aquaporin under illumination tends to be generally lower than that in the darkness. When processed under illumination, the expression levels of samples which were treated by ABA solution offer a lower outcome than any other cases and genetic expression levels of mRNA in regard to aquaporin have a negative correlation with dehiscence rate. While in darkness, samples treated by NaCl solution have a same result as ABA treatment concerning expression levels. However, it shows a positive correlation with dehiscence rate. The correlations concluded from these two results both have a low significance

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