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Effect of different stabilization methods on proximate and mineral composition of wheat bran

shafia Ashraf

India is third largest wheat producing country of world corresponding to annual production of approximately 101.2 million tonnes (Annonymous 2019). Germ (2-3%), endosperm (70-80%), bran (14-19%) and seed coat are major parts of wheat kernel (Javed et al., 2012). Wheat bran a by-product of wheat milling industry is usually striped away during milling process. On roughly basis, it is estimated that 796 thousand metric tonnes of wheat bran are produced which could be a possible source of nutrition in foods for human consumption, is either discarded or underutilized or is used for feeding animals (Laukova et al., 2016). Wheat bran contains proteins, fat, ash, carbohydrates, polyphenols, phytic acid, dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iron etc). Wheat bran dietary fibre comprises mostly of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose, arabinoxylans, pentosans and lignins (Onipe et al., 2015). In the overall health benefits of whole grain, wheat bran plays a vital role. Indigestible nature of its dietary fibre provide satiety or fullness, thus, helps in reducing weight gain due to its ability to regulate the appetite (Kristensen et al., 2010), reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, obesity and diabetes (Onipe et al., 2015). However, in addition to its rich and dense nutritional composition, presence of lipase makes it unsuitable for development of foods due to instability during storage. Lipase is primarily responsible for the hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acid and rendering it unsuitable for consumption of human on account of soapy taste, reduced pH and rancid flavour. In order to overcome rancidification, inactivation of lipase is must. Lipase inactivation in wheat bran can be achieved by stabilization after milling.

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